Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Never Promised You an Herb Garden

About 12 weks ago I decided to start growing herbs from seeds. I'm a Basil fanatic and, according to the Barefoot Contessa all herbs used for cooking should be fresh, except for Oregano.  So I purchased 10 organic herb seed packets (French Thyme, Common Sage, Cilantro,  Italian Flat Leaf Parsley, Basil and a few miscellaneous herbs that just looked interesting). I also got organic "seed starting" soil and pots that can be put directly in the ground and will decompose naturally.
I busily planted my seeds, watered and set in a sunny window. Within a few days tiny sprouts appeared! It was magical....until I realized that I had absolutely no idea which plant was in which pot. As I have come to learn, all seedlings look basically the same in that they are green and have leaves. Since they were all different types of plants they do have different light and water requirements, but since I had no idea what those requirements might be I simply kept them in a well lit area and watered when they looked dry. About half have survived and are thriving. And now that they are maturing, the leaves are more defined and I can guess, with some certainty, what each plant will be when it grows up. It's actually kind of fun not knowing...but that doesn't mean I won't label them next year.


  1. geez, reading these posts I kinda sound like a moron...

  2. I can't help you with your lack of labeling (what kind of English major are you?!) but perhaps this will be of use to you in your future endeavors.

