Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anna Karenina

So, somebody decided to remake Tolstoy's classic about social class and marriage, Anna Karenina, into a movie staring Keira Knightley. Huh, go figure. Now it just so happens that I recently--recently like this week--finished re-reading this novel and I have to say that based on the trailers I'm seeing I'm more than a little concerned.

The novel is set during the tail end of the tsarist reign of Russia amongst minor nobility, so nearly everyone is a prince or princess. Opulence and lushness are par for the course and it appears that the movie has captured at least that aspect of the book. It looks absolutely delicious which is great, but I have to say that I have grown a bit weary of going to movies that look amazing but completely lack the substance of the source material.  I mean, how are high school students supposed to skip reading the book if you can't count on the movie to get you through the test?!

Keira Knightley is an odd choice for Anna given the fact that Tolstoy repeatedly describes Anna's "plumpness" and Keira Knightley is notoriously thin, but hey, this is Hollywood. Additionally in an interview Keira describes Anna as an "anti-hero" which seems to be a total misinterpretation of the character. Anna is not a seductress or a villan she is instead a victim of social circumstance and her own passionate nature. In the trailers it is hard to tell anything about Anna's husband-except they managed to make Jude Law homely-or the character of Levin but I suspect that their stories take a back seat to the love affair between Anna and Vronsky, which I'm sure will be presented as torrid and highly sensual.

I plan to see the movie-when and if it comes to my area- because I like to look at pretty stuff. I guess I'll  just have to remind myself that the phrase "the book is so much better than the movie" is a cliche for a reason.

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