Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Grub Wars

I have grubs. Well, not me personally, but my yard does. Grubs are the larvae of Japanese Beetles. The grubs eat everything in sight and are especially fond of gardens. I am not going to post a picture of these creatures as they are the ugliest, slimiest, creepiest crawling things I have every seen. Although, the beetles they mature into are actually quite lovely.

All that aside, this is the way my mind works: As I was tilling the ground for my vegetable garden I spotted quite a few grubs, not knowing what they were I, naturally, called my mother. She explained what they were so I started Googling non-chemical ways to get rid of them (gotta keep it green and organic!) I came across several solutions for my problem including milky spore and other natural remedies. But far more interesting to me was the fact that grubs are a favorite food of chickens. I have been lusting after chickens for quite a while now, so I started researching coops, breeds, diet etc. However, I do live in a fairly rural area, which means that defense from predators is also a concern. So then I Googled ways to keep your chickens safe; special fencing, lighting and locks. But more interestingly there are certain breeds of dogs--called LGD (livestock guardian dogs)--who are specially bred to coexist with and defend, until the death, farm animals. The Great Pyrenees is specifically bred to guard poultry. They are massive, elegant white dogs with a quiet temperament and noble bearing. Some more Googling and I come to find that the nearest breeder to me is in West Virginia, about 180 miles away. Not too far at all.
So by the end of  2 hours of research I was ready to get into my car, drive to West Virginia and buy a dog to defend the chickens I do not have who will eat the grubs out of the garden that I have not yet planted. I think that sounds perfectly reasonable.


  1. This is great stuff!!! Too bad you don't have more comments. But you know...all this is a bunch of work, isnt it!!
