So, for several years now the womenfolk in my family have batted around the idea of doing an "English Christmas Dinner." None of us really knew what that meant exactly but it sounds elegant and old world so this year we are pressing forward.
After quite a bit of Googling we've determined a typical English Christmas Dinner menu with some slight modifications for our American audience:
Pigs in a Blanket (this one is a head scratcher and something we will not be incorporating)
Standing Rib Roast or Roasted Goose (we going with the Rib Roast as Goose is just a little...eww)
Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon
Cranberry Sauce
Bread Sauce (this we will NOT be making because it looks and sounds eww)
Roasted Potatoes (we are going with Duchess Potatoes instead-sounds English at least)
Yorkshire Pudding (Americanize this to Rolls with Herbed Butter)
Figgy Pudding (this we will attempt and are planning to flambe)
Chocolate Cake (not at all traditional English, but just in case nobody likes the pudding. We're calling it Tiny Tim's Favorite Chocolate Cake)
We are planning to incorporate some of their other traditions as well: party crackers at each place setting, hiding a gold coin in the figgy pudding and consuming lots of brandy.
More to come on recipes, pictures of the event and whether or not this was all a terrible idea and we should have just gotten Chinese food...
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