Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Not a drop to drink...

I'm not one to complain (that's a lie I totally am.) And I realize the entire nation is suffering from drought: wildfires, crops destroyed, thirsty cows. But there is something particularly galling when you are showering-hair glistening with conditioner-and the tap simply sputters, and runs dry.

This is what happened to me this morning as I was getting ready to start my day. No water, not a drop. My house is on an artesian well which my grandfather discovered and which produces the best water I have ever tasted-suck it Evian. I love my water and am always respectful of the fact that it is finite. I do not waste water, ever. So to have the well betray me so suddenly, without warning, seems like a personal affront.

As the well comes from the earth trucking water in is not an option. And there is no rain in the forecast for days. So now I will do what we country folk do: be resourceful! Some combination of bottled water, borrowing water and other work arounds will get me through this new, "adventure". Sand baths maybe? Drink nothing but champagne? Hmmm, maybe this isn't all that bad after all.